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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday Night Memo, 1/27/19

January 27, 2019

The Hixson Table
On Thursday, there were crock pots galore filled to the brim with warm, comforting soups taking over the faculty lounge.  The food was plentiful and more than enough to feed our entire school family twice over.  It was a great opportunity for folks to come together and enjoy each other’s company over a warm bowl of soup or delicious piece of cake.  Thank you to the Social Courtesy Committee for creating a wonderful food series to allow us an excuse to eat but more importantly, venture out of our normal lunch spaces.  I’m looking forward to the next one and can’t wait to gather some more recipes from others.

I did learn that there were some folks who were under the impression that if you did not bring anything to the meal, you were not allowed to eat.  I’m so sorry that this message was shared and consumed and wanted to clarify as we move forward how the Hixson table works.  Knowing history is valuable because it gives insight into the past and vision for the future to do better.  I acknowledge the history from the past but want everyone to know that the vision for the future is everyone is welcome at the table.  I hope this message is clear and we can finally put the previous message into the past.  If you see a colleague not participating, please grab that person.  If you are near a substitute, please grab the sub and invite him/her to lunch.  I grew up in a modest home where we didn’t have fancy things.  However, my mom always made sure there was plenty of food for all the folks who were at the table, including the random drop ins.  If there is one thing I learned from my mom is to always make sure there is enough food for everyone to eat and take home a container!  I promise, there will always be more than enough.

Our jobs are hard.  Sometimes, life becomes hard.  When we come to the table at Hixson, it’s not always about the food.  Sometimes it’s just about connecting with another person.   The food is just a fabulous excuse to come to the table.

Announcements at the End of the Day
Some days we have announcements at the end of the day, some days we don’t.  Please do not release your kids when you hear me or someone come on the intercom.  Please release them when they are told they can go.  When we do have announcements, it is important that we set the norm that we listen to the intercom for the kids.  This is especially important as we work to improve our communication around safe schools.

Character Committee Meeting
The Character Committee is meeting on Monday at 3:30pm in the Library.  The committee is open for all and if you would like to join the work, please do!

Steger Visits
6th graders will be visiting us this week, starting Monday-Thursday from 9-10:30am.  They will be with us in the morning and touring the building.  Our Hixson Leaders will give tours around the building and lead them in community building circles. 

Incoming 7th grade Orientation
Our annual orientation for incoming 7th grade parents will be Thursday, 1/31 from 6-8pm.

Hixson 7/8 Mixer
The 7/8 Winter Mixer is Friday, 2/1 from 6:30-8:30pm.  Please come and join us for a night of fun! J

Outs this Week

Have a fantastic week!

With gratitude,

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