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Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday Night Memo, 1/21/19

January 21, 2019

Happy birthday to Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.  I hope you enjoyed the day with your family on this holiday weekend.  Last night, our Step Team and 7th grader Lauren Knapp represented our school at the annual community event commemorating Dr. King.  They did a great job!

Welcome to Carley Cook!  Carley spent the weekend preparing to meet her new kids and new school family.  Stop by and give her a shout out as she officially joins the Hixson family tomorrow.

Superintendent’s Visit-Tuesday, 1/22/19
Dr. Simpson and his cabinet will be at Hixson tomorrow morning at 9:45am for their monthly visit.  They may visit your classroom to observe and talk with students.

SLT Meeting-Monday, 2/4/19
Social Courtesy is taking a break from Self Care Mondays and offered the first Monday for SLT meetings. Due to the Monday holidays we will not be able to meet again until April.  Therefore, we will be meeting the first Monday.

At our next SLT meeting, we need to talk about Spring Conferences.  Team leaders and Department leaders, please talk with your team mates about the timeframe for our conferences and gather consensus.  We will make a decision at the SLT meeting on 2/4.

It was brought to the attention of HR the discrepancy of time between Hixson and the HS.  Hixson offers conferences 4 hours longer on the second day and both buildings receive the same comp day on Friday.  Due to the published schedule, the HS will not be extending their time this year.  Starting next year, Hixson and the HS will offer the same amount of hours for conferences and receive the comp day.  HR has given Hixson the option to reduce our conferences by 4 hours to mirror the current HS offering for this year. 
Here are the possible options:
A.      Keep it the same timeframe this year: Tuesday 4-8pm, Wednesday 1-8pm
B.      Reduce the time:  Tuesday 4-8, Wednesday 1-6pm
C.       Keep it the same as the HS:  Tuesday 4-8, Wednesday 1-4pm
Please talk as teams and departments and let your leaders know.  We will then discuss how the majority of folks are feeling and make a decision at the SLT meeting on 2/4.

8th grade to HS
This week, starting Tuesday, 8th grade teams will be visiting the HS for their annual transition visit.

OUTs for the Week
Tuesday, 1/22-Grace out all day for training
Wednesday, 1/23-Aimee and Grace out for PLC training
Friday, 1/25-Aimee, Mike and Grace out from 8:45am-10:30am for new admin meeting at CO

Have a great week!
With gratitude,

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