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Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 18, 2013

There is a lot of information below. Please do your best to make time read and click through the links in one sitting.  Some of the information is required (check in, fourth Monday choices) and some is helpful (pre-teaching vocabulary, curriculum style sheet).

Differentiated Instruction (DI) Resources on the Network
(Look up at the dock above.  See the farthest button on the right, with the itsby, bitsy print? THAT is the Differentiated Instruction button for DI resources on the Network.)

There are all kinds of resources "behind" the differentiated instruction button on our Network, and this week, I would like to point you to a resource for pre-teaching vocabulary.  Vocabulary are like envelopes for all kinds of concepts, and pre-teaching vocabulary is an excellent way to front load material and build background for your students.  Click here to read more.

Mid-Year Check-In
I am looking forward to all 56 mid-year check ins! Both WGSD and SSD staff should click here to schedule a time (if you haven't already). I will use our 15 minutes for the following:

  • How's your progress toward your growth plan (or what revisions will you be making to it)?
  • What's going well that you are glad to share?
  • What else might be on your mind for me to know?

So far, reading the special requests have been interesting.  I will not have coffee or snacks available, unfortunately.

11/25 Faculty Meeting
There are two tech sessions offered as choices this month:

  • Put Your Hands on a Chromebook, and
  • WGCloud Recap.

November's fourth Monday may be the last with this many options.  I understand that time in your classroom or with your team/department is valuable; however, in order to be prepared for a 1:1 environment, in order to honor the work of your peers who are preparing technology sessions, and in order for me to honor a request for me technology development opportunities, fourth Mondays may be limited to tech development options only next semester.  You will have an opportunity to give me feedback when you make your choice for November's fourth Monday. Click here to do this.

Curriculum Writing
Click here to read the style sheet I created for curriculum writers in our district.  I am sharing this with you in the hope that it will be helpful to your writing (if you are, indeed, writing curriculum).  One of my district-assigned tasks this year is to read and give feedback on curriculum drafts in the district.  I hope you find this sheet helpful (coordinators and others have it as well).

Prototype Feedback
I apologize that I do not have another prototype for your review this week. Some of suggestions for conferences I need to run by Linda Holliday, and I'm nearing a draft of a revised referral to share.  The next, most immediately useful information to share is probably regarding hallway supervision. What did stand out from both prototypes is that teachers need to be visible in the hallways during passing times. 

Out of the Building Reminder
As a reminder, I will be out of the building to travel to and participate in the National Safe Schools Roundtable Wednesday-Friday of this week.  I will make time to check e-mail during the week.

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