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Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Memo - 2/15/21

Important dates

February 15-19 - School Board Recognition Week
February 16 - Transition Task Force Meeting, 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm
February 18 - Black History Month door decorating contest ends
February 19 - BHM door dec contest judging
February 22 - BHM door dec winner announced
March 8 - Faculty Meeting with Dr. Bettina Love
March 16 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
March 17 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
March 19 - NO SCHOOL due to Parent Teacher Conferences
March 22-26 - Spring Break


Revised plan for supporting students who are quarantined
Click HERE to view our revised plan for supporting students who are quarantined. If you need to change your plan, please let me know as soon as possible so I can update the document. Be sure to let your students know about the change.

Protocol for teaching remotely 
Click HERE to access the protocol for teaching remotely.

Protocol for substitute teachers who will cover virtual classes
Click HERE to access the protocol for substitute teachers who will cover virtual classes.


The Compliments/Spread the Love Project
I came across an article about The Compliments/Spread the Love Project last year when I was an assistant principal. It is an authentic way to build relationships and create a positive and supportive learning environment. One of the themes that came up in our Hixson, Reimagined activity from Friday was the importance of positive relationships. In addition, some of our discipline data surrounding insubordination/disrespect/disruption shows that there is a need for this as well. Being intentional about building positive relationships will move us closer to equity because ALL students deserve to have positive relationships and a strong connection to their school. 

What if EVERY Hixson student and staff member had the opportunity to be in the "hot seat" in the Spread the Love project, especially during such challenging times? How would this shift our mindsets and therefore the culture of our school?


Logo Re-design Contest Update
Voting for our logo redesign contest closed on Friday, February 12. We received a total of 706 votes! The results of the contest are below. The next step is for the Rebranding & Campus Beautification work group to meet with a graphic designer to finalize the design, and determine the best way to notify and reward its creator! 

Option 1 - 181 votes

Option 2 - 226 votes - WINNER!

Option 3 - 134 votes

Option 4 - 165 votes

Building Management Work Group - LAST CALL!
Do you think you would enjoy helping create the building map for next school year, which includes determining room assignments? If you are interested, please email Dr. Mayes. The Hixson admin team is trying to see if there is interest in participating in this work. If so, we will form a work group after course requests are due, and we will work on creating the building map together.

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