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Monday, April 13, 2020

Monday Morning Memo, 4/13/2020

April 13, 2020

Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a great Passover/Easter weekend.  I’m sharing the message I sent to parents on Friday below.  This is a process and layered for everyone.  As I imagine is true for Randy and Lisa, this was not how we imagined our final year at Hixson would be.  With that, once we process through the new reality, grieve what we need to grieve, hopefully we come out of this on the other end with renewed optimism and hope. 

There will be no faculty zoom gathering this week.  There isn’t anything new or major to discuss and with the amount of zooms we are all on, I hope this will be a needed break.  If you need anything, email or text or call at any time. 

Enjoy the week and take care of yourselves.

With gratitude,

A Note from the Principal
I lost it yesterday when I received the news. It was inevitable (and absolutely for the best) and I was mentally preparing for it but it didn’t lessen the sting or stop the crack in my heart from growing. So much loss this season across our communities ranging from emotional to physical to financial. As we begin to embrace e-learning for the rest of the year, I know all of my educator friends are overwhelmed, heartbroken and nervous. Parents are overwhelmed, heartbroken and nervous. Our medical and essential frontline communities are exhausted, overwhelmed, heartbroken and nervous. Our world is overwhelmed, heartbroken and nervous. As we gather at this strange and surreal intersection, my hope is that our courage and bravery connect us in a new way as we travel this new journey together.

At the beginning of the year, we asked “How can we help”? The question still applies. Please reach out if you need anything. We are here.

With gratitude,

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