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Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday Memo - 9/30/22

Important dates
September 26 - Late Start Day
September 27-30 - 6 Integrity to Camp Wyman!
October 2 - Custodian Appreciation Day
October 3 - Picture Retake Day, Faculty Meeting
October 4-7 - 6 Unity to Camp Wyman
October 10 - Late Start Day
October 11-14 - 6 Bravery to Camp Wyman
October 12 - 1st quarter grading window opens
October 18 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm to 8pm (in person)
October 19 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm to 8pm (in person)
October 20 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (virtual)
October 24 - Late Start Day
October 25 - 1st quarter grading window closes

Faculty Meeting Reminder

We have a faculty meeting on Monday, October 3 from 3:35 pm to 4:35 pm in the Cafeteria. During this meeting, we will write positive notes of affirmation to students, talk about fall NWEA, and you will have time to work with your Statesman Time teacher team to strategize around WIN Time now that we have fall NWEA scores. See you there!

Principal Talk on Monday, October 3 during Statesman Time
As a follow up to the email that I sent to parents yesterday regarding the issues of vandalism at Bristol, I will have three guest speakers join me for a Principal Talk on Monday during Statesman Time that will occur virtually. All Statesman Time teachers will join the Zoom and show the Principal Talk on the large screen in their classrooms so their students can watch and listen to the talk. Our guests will be Dr. Bill Senti, Principal of Bristol Elementary School, Dr. Emily Burst, Assistant Principal at Bristol Elementary School, and a representative from the Webster Groves Police Department. We will talk about the importance of respecting school property at all times and what students can do to ensure they are upholding the Hixson Middle School core values of respect, teamwork, and positive relationships while out and about in the Webster Groves community. We want our school to be viewed in a positive way, and we believe that bringing this to our students' attention will help us achieve that goal.

Shenita Mayes is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Hixson Middle School Principal Talk
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 922 8980 2505
Passcode: 198762
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Meeting ID: 922 8980 2505
Passcode: 198762
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Panorama Student Survey Administration
The Panorama survey window for all surveys is October 3 - 14, 2022. The survey should be administered during Statesman Time just like we did last year. You can give the survey on any day within the window. 
If a student is absent on the day the survey is administered in your class, please afford an opportunity for the student to take the survey. The survey administration instructions are below. These instructions were provided to principals by Dr. WIlliamson, WGSD Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Before you begin: 

  1. Decide which day you are going to administer the survey to your students during the survey window (Oct. 3- 14). There are three short surveys and it will take approximately 10 minutes for students to complete.

  2. Check the opt out list to see if any of your students have been opted out of the survey by their parents/caregiver. OPT-OUT Please understand the "opt-out students" are able to enter their access code, thus please make sure they do not take the surveys. Also, if a student's family did opt them out of the survey, please also make sure they have a Chromebook during this time, so they do not feel excluded while other students are using a computer.

  3. Write/post the survey website on the board/screen

  4. Tell students their access code. Their access code is their WGSD full email address.

  5. If a student is absent when you administer the survey, please schedule a different time for the student to complete the surveys.

Read the following introduction to your students (do not veer from this script): 

At Hixson, it is our goal to create a positive school community where all students feel safe, respected, and valued at school. In order to do this, we are asking for your feedback on your experience at Hixson. Please take a moment to respond to three short surveys through our Panorama survey platform. Your responses to the equity and school climate surveys are anonymous. Your responses to the Social, Emotional, Learning survey are not anonymous because we want to be able to provide each student what they need to be successful and feel valued. If you need help with the surveys, then a counselor, teacher, and/or administrator can work with you - just let us know. All survey questions are optional and you may skip any question. We value your experiences and hope that you will answer all of the questions, but if there is a question that you do not want to answer, then you may skip that question. Your feedback is very important to us because we want to provide the safest, most inclusive environment for all students to thrive and feel welcomed. If you choose not to take the surveys, then please work on homework or read quietly until we are finished.

Instruct students to do the following:

1. Open Google Chrome on your Chromebook.

2. Go to

3. Enter your access code. Your access code is your WGSD full email address

4. You will see three surveys. Begin with the first survey, answer the survey questions, and take the next two surveys. Please make sure to take all three surveys.

5. Review your answers, then hit submit.

6. If you have questions, please ask me and I will help you.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Here is the schedule for Parent Teacher Conferences. More detailed information will come from Dr. Vogt in the coming weeks. Please let us know if you have any questions.
  • 10/18/22 - Parent Teacher Conferences in person, 4pm to 8pm (Dinner provided by Hixson admin)
  • 10/19/22 - Parent Teacher Conferences in person, 4pm to 8pm (Dinner provided by Hixson PTO)
  • 10/20/22 - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences (please bring your lunch; you can work from home or school), 9:00 am to 4:00 pm 

Staff Recognition Process

If you would like to recognize one of your colleagues for a job well done and/or demonstrating the Hixson core values, please complete the form below. All recognitions will be shared directly with the person you are recognizing, and there will also be an option for the recognition to be shared publicly at faculty meetings.

Possible Service Projects for your Statesman Time
A friend and former colleague of mine (she is a retired high school math teacher) is very actively in volunteering with local non-profit organizations. She has passed along some service opportunities to me that could be great for your Statesman Time or other student groups students to do. Engaging students in service learning is a meaningful way to opportunities for students to demonstrate our core values of respect, positive relationships, and teamwork. Please read the opportunities below and let me know if your Statesman Time would like to participate. 

Stockings for Adults with Disabilities Living in Residential Homes (need approximately 50-60 but whatever you can do is appreciated) need by 12/3
  • Buy or make a stocking and fill it up with fun, festive items.  Please include a sweet message or card or colored picture that is thoughtful and creative wishing them Happy Holidays.
  • Other possible ideas include but not limited to- warm socks, gloves, travel size toiletries, lip balm, candy and/or some snacks, puzzle books like Sudoku, crossword, seek n find - large font encouraged. 
  • Contact person: Elizabeth Vancil & her email:

Write letters to veterans who participate in the Greater St Louis Honor Flight. 

Webster Groves Foundation Innovation Grants
The Webster Groves Foundation is accepting preliminary applications for the innovation grants. They will also be hosting an open house style meeting on Thursday, October 6, 3:30-4:30pm, at the Service Center to answer any questions staff might have about applying. If you are the tiniest bit interested in applying, please plan to attend!

Message from PTO
This year, your PTO is working hard to create a sense of community. A big part of that is introducing ALL of you to our families in the "Getting to Know You" series. If you are interested, please take a moment to answer some of the questions on the Google form (below) so that Kelly Dunsford can write a profile about you and post it on the Hixson PTO Facebook page. You do not need to answer every question. These posts are loved by our families, and many parents have commented about wanting to see more! 

On October 1, we are putting the names of everyone who has provided information into a drawing for a $10 gift card to The Novel Neighbor! Don't miss out on your chance! Thanks again for your time and work with our Junior Statesmen!

Google form (if interested)

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