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Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 28, 2013

Saturday's Trivia Night and Silent Auction

Our annual trivia night and silent auction is a point of pride for me as the principal of Hixson Middle School.  This event is completely organized and executed by Hixson Middle School staff. The money for this event is used to increase student access to technology at Hixson. Saturday's trivia night was our most successful and our students will benefit from this.  Thank you.  Thank you to those who participated and those who planned.

The list of those in the building and those in our community who contributed is long.  Please click here to read these lists as they are published on the parent blog.  In addition, you will learn that the winners of the event and of the raffle donated their winnings back to Hixson.  This speaks volumes about our community and our work.

More Information about the Faculty Meeting: 1/28

The information about Monday's faculty meeting is repeated from last week below.  Click here if you are interested in seeing the template for teacher self reflection regarding DQ 3.  You'll notice a space for teacher and student evidence as well as a proficiency scale.  This is an example of how aligned the supervision instrument is with The Art and Science of Teaching.  If printing this is helpful to your notetaking at the faculty meeting, then please do so.

 . . . from last week
The topic of our 1/28 meeting will be Design Question 3: What will I do to help students practice and deepen their understanding of new knowledge from The Art and Science of Teaching.  Please take an opportunity to read, skim, or at the very least review the action steps in chapter three.

Flipping through the slides of this PowerPoint will help prepare you for some of the thinking and activities of the faculty meeting.  Click here to view this quick presentation.  Click here to view the Practice Exericse for Faulty Logic.

In addition, this protocol (click here), albeit simple, may be helpful with thinking through each strategy specifically in terms of how you will plan to use them.

In the faculty meeting, we will organize in as much job alike groups of 3-5 as possible (e.g., 8th grade social studies, Fine Arts, etc.).

New Copiers 

We should be receiving three new copiers relatively soon (by 2/4/13, I hope).  These machines will come with a new level of district accountability and, therefore, with some new considerations for copying and printing.  It is in the best interest of our budget, of the environment, and of our relationship with those to whom we are accountable that we become aware of and reduce our copying and printing, particularly because we must pay for any copies/prints over our allotted number.  To this end, as a building, we will no longer send the large August mailing to every parent (parents without web access may opt in to receiving a printed copy), we are looking at how often we are required to print and mail report cards, and we are looking into other copying and printing saving measures.

I need you to look at what, how often, and why you print as well, and I need you to begin considering these things immediately.  We have a limited number of copies left this school year before we will be charged again.  IF we were to divide the number of copies/prints by the number of copy codes and strictly ration how often we could copy/print, each of us would only be allowed about 5,500 copies/prints for the remainder of the school year.  This may sound alarming.  Fortunately, we will not have to ration this strictly; however, I will provide each of you with some feedback regarding your own printing/copying so that you can get a better sense of what this might mean for you. I offer this as feedback, not as a critique or an evaluation.  We have to begin somewhere, so we are beginning with awareness.

Based on this new awareness, please do your best to reduce beginning now so that we have to pay as few overages as possible.

Two More Items
  1. Click here to view more information on February's Thinking Strategy: Repairing Confusion.
  2. Click here to complete a brief (1 question) survey of Top Academic Concerns.  As mentioned in a 9/4/12 post, a small group of teachers have been meeting regularly to discuss how we might better implement RtI and a Care Team process in the building.  This survey will guide their work, so your response is very important. 

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