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Friday, December 3, 2021

Friday Memo - 12/3/21

Important dates
December 5 - Hixson PTO Holiday House Tour
December 6 - 10 - Hixson Spirit Week! (see below)
December 6 - Lunch and Learn & Faculty Meeting, 3:35 pm to 4:35 pm
December 8 - Band Concert, 6:00 pm
December 13 - School Improvement Team meeting
December 17 - Hixson Faculty Holiday party at Jill Right's house
December 21 - Quarter 2 ends/end of 1st semester

95th issue of Hixson Happenings
Click HERE to access the newest issue of Hixson Happenings.

Spirit Wear update
Since we extended the deadline for folks to purchase spirit wear, orders will arrive at Hixson on December 9. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Faculty Meeting - 12/6/21
Our next Faculty Meeting is on Monday December 6. This will be a very important meeting, as we will work together to finalize some decisions for improvements to Statesman Time. See you then!

Progress Monitoring
Please make sure that your grades are updated regularly so that when administrators, counselors, and academic specialists engage in progress monitoring, we are looking at the most recent data. An appropriate increment of time for grades to be updated is at least every two weeks (or sooner). 

Lunch and Learn
Jill and Christy are inviting you to a Lunch & Learn on Monday, December 6! This one will focus on "closure." They will share a few ideas on how to wrap up a lesson and help students summarize or synthesize their learning. So please drop in, bring your lunch, and enjoy a few goodies while we learn together! 

Hixson Spirit Week
Please see the flyer below! 

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