Welcome back...again!
I know these are not ideal circumstances, but I am looking forward to seeing Hixson come to life this week. I have really missed the day to day operations of "school", and I have really missed seeing kids everyday. My mind continues to revisit March 13, 2020. That was the last time I saw the 7th graders I worked with last year. At the time, I had no idea that I would never work with them again. I think about them all the time. They have been back in school since late October. My hope for them is that they persevere through these unprecedented times with the love and support of their families, friends, and educators in their lives. I want the same thing for Hixson students.
My mind also can't help but think back to the many one on one meetings I had with Hixson and Steger staff members this summer. I walked away from those meetings feeling like I was slowly becoming a part of a very loving family. I remember thinking, "Wow, if this is how they treat a new person, I can only imagine the love they give to kids each day!" With nearly everyone being back in the building this week, I think it is important for us to remember who we are and work together as a Hixson family. To me, this is the only way forward.
As many wise administrators in my life used to always say, "Take care of yourself, take care of each other, take care of this place."
Welcome back Hixson! Go Jr. Statesman!
Important dates
November 9 & 10 - Teacher work days
November 10 - Seating Charts due by 3:30 pm
November 10 - Amighetti's Night for Hixson Middle School
November 11 - first day back to school for students in Responsive Learning Plan (A-K); Veteran's Day
November 12 - first day back to school for students in Responsive Learning Plan (L-Z)
November 13 - all students in responsive learning plan attend school for in person learning
November 17 - Transition Task Force meeting
November 25 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break
December 1 - Picture Day
Tech Tip
From Leslie Creath - “I’ve been using a Chrome extension called “Clipboard
History Pro.” It can keep up to the last 100 things you’ve copied. So, when I’m
typing comments on assignments, I copy it (highlight & ctrl + C). Then, if
I want to use it again, I click the extension, click the comment, and paste it
(ctrl + v). It’s really handy and saves a lot of time!”
Click HERE to submit a Tech Tip or Staff Shout Out.
Things to know for this week
- Additional desks will be delivered on Tuesday morning. They were supposed to come this morning, but the company did not have a truck available.
- A fillable water station has been installed in the main hallway across from the office. We will be getting more, but they are now on back order.
- The district started moving furniture out of the building and to the Service Center on Friday. All furniture was tagged before it left the building.
- You should already have a bottle of disinfectant and a roll of paper towels in your classroom. Please let me know if you do not.
- The spray bottles of technology disinfectant are in the main office. Each teacher will get one. I will let you know when we will distribute the cleaner, as well as other supplies.
- Each classroom will receive a large container of hand sanitizer.
- We found out on Friday afternoon that we are getting far more tri-fold plexiglass shields than we were originally told we were getting. This is GREAT news. We will give each teacher as many as possible. When you receive your plexiglass shields, you will need to peel the blue plastic from each panel of the shields.
- Human Resources is providing Hixson with eight building aids who will support us with day to day building supervision. They will supervise hallways and restrooms, lunch, and certain areas during arrival and dismissal. I will share the supervision assignments document when we are finished with it.
- Teachers will not cover lunch supervision this year. However, you will need to be out in the hallway during each passing period.
Student Sign Out Form: https://forms.gle/9rsiUySD4hXZfpRp6
Student Sign Out Form Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10kojth-q7R7g-LlohF4s4_ix_qJjJdprbCKpDEOXMk4/edit?usp=sharingDOMAIN 2: HIXSON & EQUITY
I wanted to say thank you to Linda Peterson, Sherri Rachal, Gail Tumminello, and Sarah Bodi for doing such a great job with facilitating our ABAR professional development last week. If it is our desire to dismantle inequities at Hixson, then we must keep this important work off becoming ABAR educators at the forefront, even with everything going on. I've included the co-conspirators video from the end of the training last week for your review. Please take a look at it when you get a moment. Dr. Bettina Love, will be a guest speaker for our staff on March 8, 2021. She is a brilliant and dynamic speaker who is an expert in anti-racism.
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