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Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday Memo - 10/5/2020

Hixson's new Virtual Schedule
Today is the first day of our new schedule! We truly believe that this will be a good adjustment for Hixson students and staff. As always, please let us know if you have any questions!

Staff Shout Outs! 
From Hope Strasser - 
A HUGE shout out to the Math, ELA, SSD teachers, Jen, and JIll for your help with NWEA! Thank you so much for your patience, finding multiple ways to troubleshoot, and handling all of our tech issues. I couldn't have done it without all of your help!! Thank you, thank you!!

From Stacy Camden - I want to send a big thank you to Hope and Jen for all their hard work with NWEA this year! Hope had everything organized and ready to go and spent her time troubleshooting problems and keeping teachers calm. Jen jumped in to help whenever she could and did it with a smile! I am extremely grateful for them both!

From Mackenzie Hennekes - Hope Strasser for working so hard with NWEA! Hope has done an awesome job with getting everything organized for NWEA and troubleshooting when needed!!

From Jacob Norman - All of the people in the 8th grade wing who help me feel sane when I'm at school.

To submit a staff shout out, please use the HIXSON STAFF CHECK IN form.

Tech Tips
From Jason Heisel - Want to add some editing software to your computer so you can trim up your videos or edit out parts you do not want to share, download Open Shot Video editor. Simple to use, works on PC and Mac and is free:

To submit a tech tip, please use the HIXSON STAFF CHECK IN form

iDEA representative needed
Hixson has two representatives for the district iDEA committee. This is the group that provides input/helps plan professional development for the district. We are in need of one more rep to join Leslie Creath in this important work. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in being our second representative. 

Important dates
October 5 - Department meetings
October 9 - Hixson & Steger Virtual Trivia Night, 7pm

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 921 3709 7037
Passcode: trivia

October 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm to 8pm* and Hixson Connections Day
October 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm to 8pm*
October 15 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 9am to 4pm*, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
November 3 - Professional Development (AM - district, PM - Hixson) and Faculty meeting

Since November 9 is now a work day for teachers to prepare for the first day back to in person school on November 11, the November 9 Faculty Meeting will be rescheduled for a different day/time. I will let you know when that meeting will take place.


Got questions about our return to school?
The Hixson administrative team will meet with Central Office administration on Thursday, October 8 to discuss our plan for the students in the responsive learning plan to return to school. We have not decided if our return will be hybrid or a full 5-day return, but we will consider our options on Thursday. 

If you, your team, and/or department has specific questions or concerns that you're wondering about regarding our return to in-person school, please submit them HERE. I would like to have these questions ahead of our meeting on Thursday.

Plans for the week of October 12-16
Please read the information about next week HERE. Then, click HERE to communicate your plans for the week. I must have a response from every single staff member by the end of the day today

Work location plans
Click the Google Forms below to communicate your work location plans. The forms for the upcoming weeks will appear in each Monday Memo until we no longer need them. The form that's due will always be one week ahead so that I know your plans before the week actually starts. If you already know your plans for each week, then you are welcome to complete them all if you want. If you think your plans might fluctuate each week, then just complete the form when it is due on Mondays. If you need to change your plans after you've already submitted your response, email Sarah Magruder so she can update your information. Work location plans for the week of 9/21 to 9/25 are due today by 3:30 PM. Please make sure you complete this task on time.

Work Location Plans - 10/12 to 10/16
Work Location Plans - 10/19 to 10/23
Work Location Plans - 10/26 to 10/30
Work Location Plans - 11/2 to 11/6


Becoming trauma-informed
As we begin to wrap our heads around our transition back to in-person school, and as we get closer to the date of our professional development with Alive and Well (the afternoon of November 3), it is important to start wrapping our heads around how to best serve the needs of our learners. As I was reading Educational Leadership Magazine this weekend, I came across an article written by Paul Gorski about trauma informed care in the context of schools, and how that relates to equity. To me, it was a very good read that builds on many of the ideas Dr. Gorski shared with us during our PD session in September. I highly recommend you read this article when you have time. I provided the link and abstract below.

How Trauma-Informed Are We, Really?
Paul Gorski

To fully support students, schools must attend to the trauma that occurs within their own institutional cultures. Equity advocate Paul Gorski describes three transformative commitments schools can make to maximize the potential of trauma-informed education.

Abolitionist Teaching Network Grants
The 2020 Abolitionist Teaching Network opened their grant applications last Wednesday! These grants are for educators who "strive to disrupt inequalities and injustice within their schools, communities, or both". You can nominate yourself or someone else. Click HERE to apply.

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