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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday Memo - 9/8/20

Thank you in advance for continuing to think of creative ways to engage students in virtual learning and being sensitive to their needs. Remember, some students are completely comfortable with having their cameras on and some are not (for a variety of reasons). We don't want our students to feel embarrassed or humiliated while in our care. Instead, we want them to feel safe, loved, and welcome. 

Dr. Bettina Love recently launched the Abolitionist Teaching Network. There is a Guide for Racial Justice and Abolitionist SEL on the website. On page 8, Dr. Love provides questions that teachers can use to build relationships with their students, and I thought they might be helpful to have as you continue the amazing work you do with Hixson students everyday. 

Hixson Educator Award
Speaking of awesome educators, congratulations again to Jill Right for winning the Hixson Educator Award! Click HERE to read all about why Jill is so deserving of this award!

Staff Shout Outs!
From Hope Strasser - Gail Tuminello was a huge help in building assignments and a course for Study Skills! She is always willing to work together to help our students!!

You can submit a staff shout out through the HIXSON STAFF CHECK IN form, and you can also use it to tell us how you are feeling, provide feedback, or communicate a need.

Cool tech tip
From Hope Strasser - 
In Canvas, when using a url and each student needs a copy (of a document), go into the url and change "edit" to "copy" and it will make a new copy when student's click on it.

If you'd like to submit a cool tech tip, please submit it in the Hixson Staff Check In form and I will put it in next week's Monday Memo!

Hixson Spirit Wear Store
The Hixson Spirit Wear Store launched this past Friday! If you feel like doing a little shopping, click HERE to access the store. Proceeds will go to the Hixson Middle School campus beautification fund.

Important dates
September 14 - Faculty Meeting - Professional Development (more info to come)
September 16 - Growth plan must be approved by your evaluator
September 18 - Growth plans due to district
September 21 - School Leadership Team meeting


Work location plans
Click the Google Forms below to communicate your work location plans. The forms for the upcoming weeks will appear in each Monday Memo until we no longer need them. The form that's due will always be one week ahead so that I know your plans before the week actually starts. If you already know your plans for each week, then you are welcome to complete them all if you want. If you think your plans might fluctuate each week, then just complete the form when it is due on Mondays. If you need to change your plans after you've already submitted your response, email Sarah Magruder so she can update your information. Work location plans for the week of 9/8 to 9/11 are due today by 3:30 PM. Please make sure you complete this task on time.

Work Location Plans - 9/14 to 9/18
Work Location Plans - 9/21 to 9/25
Work Location Plans - 9/28 to 10/2
Work Location Plans - 10/5 to 10/9
Work Location Plans - 10/12 to 10/16
Work Location Plans - 10/19 to 10/23

When students are not engaging in virtual learning
The admin/counselor team would like to thank you for providing feedback on the plan for how we will respond when students are not engaged in virtual learning. We will be finalizing this plan today and will send it out to the staff as soon as possible. 

Self care calendar
Click HERE to access the self care calendar created by Hixson's counseling department.


Reflections on Friday's PD
Thank you so much for participating in our first building-based professional development on anti-bias and anti-racism in education. Sherita Love did an amazing job with helping us get our feet wet. Some of us even stayed afterwards to talk more about school discipline and restorative practices. It is very important for us to start having these tough conversations and working together to ensure all Hixson students receive equitable outcomes in the education they receive from us. I have linked a PDF of Sherita's presentation as well as a few of the videos she used for your review below. 

NPR's Code Switch
I would also like to highlight the podcast, Code Switch (NPR). I have been listening to this podcast for about a year now, but my favorite is a small series they put together between 2017 and 2018 called Raising Kings: A year of love and struggle at ron brown college prep. If you want to hear about a brand new school's successes and struggles with fully implementing restorative practices, and the residual effects of those efforts, then give this series a listen.

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