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Monday, September 21, 2020

Monday Memo - 9/21/20

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
To say 2020 is a tough year is an understatement. We have lost so many iconic and heroic figures this year on top of trying to survive a global pandemic. Let us take time to honor Justice Ginsburg's life, and all of the lives lost in this troubling year, but also find joy and happiness through our support for one another. 

Hixson Spirit Wear Store
If you feel like doing a little shopping, click HERE to access the Hixson Spirit Wear store. Proceeds will go to the Hixson Middle School campus beautification fund.

Wednesday Check-In
I am opening up a staff check-in Zoom on Wednesday mornings from 7:45 am to 8:05 am. If you have an idea, question, something to discuss, or if you just want to connect with me or others who may be there, please click on the Zoom link below. This optional check in is just another way to keep us connected and open up another line of communication.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 4594 5780

Passcode: 044531

Important dates
September 21 - School Leadership Team meeting
September 22-25 - NWEA Testing in ELA & Math
September 30 - Human Resources Virtual Roadshow, 3:35 pm to 4:35 pm
October 13 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm to 8pm*
October 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm to 8pm*
October 15 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 9am to 4pm*, NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
*Specific plans for Parent Teacher Conferences will be forthcoming.


Work location plans
Click the Google Forms below to communicate your work location plans. The forms for the upcoming weeks will appear in each Monday Memo until we no longer need them. The form that's due will always be one week ahead so that I know your plans before the week actually starts. If you already know your plans for each week, then you are welcome to complete them all if you want. If you think your plans might fluctuate each week, then just complete the form when it is due on Mondays. If you need to change your plans after you've already submitted your response, email Sarah Magruder so she can update your information. Work location plans for the week of 9/21 to 9/25 are due today by 3:30 PM. Please make sure you complete this task on time.

Work Location Plans - 9/28 to 10/2
Work Location Plans - 10/5 to 10/9
Work Location Plans - 10/12 to 10/16
Work Location Plans - 10/19 to 10/23

Common virtual learning questions
We have received questions about a few things regarding virtual learning, so I thought I'd put the answers here for all to see.

  • After the 22 minutes of synchronous live instruction, students should be allowed to log off the Zoom and the teacher should stay on in case any students need help.
  • We understand that it is very hard to fit your content into 22 minutes of live instruction per day. Please focus on what is essential. Don't stress out when things are not perfect. We are all human beings and we are trying to make the most out of a tough situation. What you're doing is enough, and we appreciate you!
  • Remember to put attendance in SIS now, per district communication last week.
  • With parent teacher conferences being a little over three weeks out, please start putting grades in SIS. SIS is the "end all be all" when it comes to grades, so it has to be correct. 
If you have other topics to discuss, please send them our way!

Self care calendar
Click HERE to access the September Self Care Calendar created by Hixson's counseling department.


Reflections on Paul Gorski
I hope you found Paul Gorski's presentation meaningful last Monday. What stood out to me the most was the quote, "To create an anti-oppressive school, you need to map out all the ways that inequities operate [in your school]..." (Paul Gorski). I challenge you to think about how inequities operate at Hixson, and how we might begin to dismantle those inequities. The purpose of this year's professional development is to lay the foundation for that work in the very near future. I included a graphic below that explains this in much shorter terms. Thank you to Katie Kraushaar for sharing!

Abolitionist Teaching Network Grants
If you are familiar with Dr. Bettina Love's work, you probably know that she recently launched the Abolitionist Teaching Network. On Wednesday, ATN will open an application process for grants for teachers and various community members who "strive to disrupt inequalities and injustice within their schools, communities, or both." If this is something that interests you, click HERE to read more and apply when the process opens on Wednesday.


Transition Task Force
The 2021-2022 Hixson admin team (Shenita Mayes, Aimee Vogt, Mike Hazelton, Jeff Atterberry) along with district administration meet each Wednesday to plan for the Hixson-Steger merger. Currently, we are in the process of determining our staffing needs, creating a draft of room assignments, and finalizing our plans for course offerings. In addition, we will be launching the Transition Task Force very soon. The work of this group will include subcommittees that work on the following:
  • rebranding and campus beautification
  • transition of students
  • transition of staff
  • parent engagement/communication
  • community engagement
  • other
Once the task force meets for the first time, we will finalize our subcommittees and hit the ground running. Please consider joining this group! We need your voice!

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