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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Virtual Faculty Gathering, 3/23/2020

Hi All,
This was probably not how you envisioned Spring Break to go.  Hopefully, you have managed to find some time for yourself in the middle of figuring out the new normal.  I know there are probably a hundred questions and while we are figuring this out as we go, we would like to answer them and hopefully put you at ease.

On Monday, we will have a virtual meeting via Zoom. Please see below for the invite and just click to join.  The meeting will be at 1pm and last until 2pm.  We will answer all your questions as we get ready to begin our virtual school.  If you are wanting to get a head start and begin getting your google classrooms ready, please do the following:
·       Add ONLY your evaluating administrator to one of your classes
o   If you teach a level 1, level 2, level 3 type class-add the evaluating administrator to each of those sections

The district email had a lot of information, please just note the following:
  •        We have time!  
  • Teaching and learning doesn’t officially start until March 27th.
  •  This is still your Spring Break and we would like you to try and enjoy it as much as possible.

·       We will figure this out together and may need to lean on each other more now as we try to collaborate in a virtual school.
          No question is a stupid question-please ask.

In the meantime, stay safe and please let me know if you need anything.  Cell is 314-422-0810.

“See” you on Monday!

With gratitude,

Grace Lee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Faculty Gathering
Time: Mar 23, 2020 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 350 938 647

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