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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday Night Memo, 3/1/2020

March 1, 2020

Friday was an emotional day with the discovery of the racist meme and my announcement.  I recognize the emotional toll acts of racism creates for each of us.  For our kids, there is also an emotional toll and confusion as they try to navigate how to process.  I can’t imagine it’s helpful for kids to process how to stand up against acts of racism, especially when adults on social media are providing a strong narrative on how it should be handled.  School is a microcosm of the bigger world and they need us to help them figure out how to stand up and advocate while also grappling with how to give the offender grace when a horrible act of racism was made.  With that, our role as educators is to help facilitate how kids are processing, not provide our own narrative.  I ask that as we start the week, you check in with your kids at the start of each class.  If necessary, please hold a restorative circle if you have kids/classes that need to process.  If you are not comfortable with that, please call the office and ask for a counselor or admin to facilitate.  This situation was shocking and devastating to our community and especially the students impacted by the racist meme.  To respect confidentiality, I can tell you that everyone impacted is moving to work to repair the harm that was created, in addition to the punitive consequence.  Please do not share details about the punitive consequence.  I realize folks will figure it out and there will be talk.  As educators, it is our responsibility to honor confidentiality with discipline actions with our children.  If you need to talk about it or just process yourself, please let me know.  I am here for you as well.

Principal’s Search Mtg w/Simpson and Wiley-Skinner, 3/2
Drs. Simpson and Wiley-Skinner will be holding a meeting at 3:30pm in the auditorium to discuss the next principal search.  Everyone is invited to attend.

PTO Mtg, ¾
The final PTO meeting of the year is Wednesday at 7pm in the Library.  The 3 candidates running for the board will be present to meet folks if and talk about their platforms.  You are welcome to attend and meet the board candidates.

PT Conferences, 3/9 and 3/11
PT Conferences are next Monday (4-8) and Wednesday (1-8).  All meals will be provided on both days. 

Faculty Mtg, 3/23
Please mark your calendars for the last formal faculty meeting on Monday, 3/23.  Due to the change in conference dates, we had to move our last meeting.  The meeting will be at 3:30pm in the cafeteria.

OUTS for the Week

Have a great week, the sun is starting to show up!
With gratitude,

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