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Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sunday Night Memo, 2/2/2020

February 2, 2020

Happy Superbowl Sunday.  I hope the game is great and the food and company even better!

Share something positive that happened at work during the first semester. It can be a situation w/a colleague, student or parent. (entrance slip from faculty meeting)
·       I got an email from a parent thanking me for opening up a whole new world for her daughter.
·       We inducted lots of 8th grader into NJHS!
·       A student transitioned from Sp Ed setting to CT ELA.
·       I started having mindful minutes at the beginning of the my classes to help students calm down/relax/clear their minds.
·       ELA/Math teachers will to try something new with the NWEA schedule.
·       A student told me she liked working with me because I have a big heart.

Happy Counselor Appreciation Week
Day in, day out, our counselors work tirelessly to support kids and grownups in our building.  They surround us with love, encouragement and a compassionate ear.  This week, we will celebrate all they do for our community of learners!  Thank you Linda, Sarah, Aaron and Emily-we appreciate you!

Taking Attendance
Please, please make sure you are marking your attendance at the beginning of each hour.  When you don’t take your attendance, the impact if felt in the front office.  By state law, we have to reconcile our attendance data each day.  For that to happen, Mrs. Banks must stay and complete the reconciliation process.  Last week, she had to stay a couple of hours beyond her normal time to reconcile over 90 students attendance data.  Please, take your attendance.

Faculty Meeting, 2/10
Our next faculty meeting will be next Monday at 3:30pm in the cafeteria.

PD Day, 2/14
Our next PD is quickly approaching.  The morning session is the district Ed Camp style sessions.  Please be on the lookout for more information.  The Social Courtesy Committees from Steger and Hixson will host a get to know you lunch and social immediately afterwards in the cafeteria.  Please be on the lookout for more info on that.  Lunch from Firenza pizza will be provided!  After the lunch social, you will have time to work in your departments, teams or CLTs for the remainder of the afternoon.  That time will be yours to do what you need to catch up, get ahead or just spend time with your teammates on things you have been wanting to do.
8-11:30am, District PD-ED CAMP
11:30-1:00pm, Lunch with Steger and Hixson teachers in the cafeteria
1:00-3:30pm,  Work time in departments, CLTs and/or teams

OUTS This Week
·       Linda, Sarah, Aaron, Emily and Grace out for Counselor Appreciation Bkfst and PD from 8-12pm
·       Grace out from 8-1:00pm for Principal’s Leadership Academy

Have a great week!
With gratitude,

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