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Monday, February 17, 2020

Monday Night Memo, 2/17/2020

February 17, 2020

I hope you are enjoying every second of your well-deserved three day weekend.  This weekend, we celebrated Charlotte’s 5th birthday.  Thanks to Facebook’s time hop feature, I spent a good chunk of time going down the rabbit hole of memories and reminiscing about her days as a baby.  It has really gone by in a blink.  I hope you have been able to spend some good time with the people in your tribe, recharging and feeling loved. 

Here’s to a calm, easy 4 day week that feels like a 4 day week!

SLOs DUE, 2/21
Just a gentle reminder that SLOs are due on Friday.  Please let you evaluating admin know if you are unable to make this district deadline.

Non-Tenured Growth Plans DUE, 2/21
Just a gentle reminder that growth plans are due for non-tenured teachers on Friday. 

Come to the Table, 2/22
We will be hosting a special dinner called Come to the Table, facilitated by In Purpose Educational Services.  The dinner will be at 5pm and an opportunity to share a wonderful meal and conversation with folks from our community.  Come and get to know some new neighbors and walk away with some new friends.  Tickets can be purchased at

Character Committee Mtg, 2/24
Come join the Character Committee at the next upcoming meeting on Monday at 3:30pm in the library.

Outs for the Week
·       Aimee, Mike and Grace will be out on Thursday from 8-2pm for DLT and DCI at CO (can we possibly use any more letters?)

Have a wonderful week!
With gratitude,

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