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Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Night Memo, 9/15/19

September 15, 2019

Please complete the survey link below around our collective agreements by Friday.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Spanish 2 SALSA Contest, 9/16
Join Spanish 2 students as they celebrate Mexican Independence on Monday.  Drop by during hours 2, 3 and 4 and sample some salsa and cast your vote.  Please, do not bring your classes out with you for this event.  The Spanish teachers are testing the waters with this event for the first time this year.

HS Drama Class Performance, 9/16
Sorry for the short notice but if you or your class would like to watch a short performance by the HS drama 3 class, drop into the auditorium during 6th hour.  The drama class has written and put together a brief show, about 20 minutes and will be performing it during 6th hour. 

SLT Meeting, 9/16
The School Leadership Team will be meeting on Monday afterschool in the Library at 3:30pm.  SLT is made up of department leaders, CLT leaders, instructional leaders and anyone who would like to be a part of school wide decisions and leadership.  If you have not served on the committee and are interested, please join us!

Calendar Committee, 9/17
If you are interested in serving on the calendar committee this year, please let me know.  The first district meeting is Tuesday, at 3:30pm at CO.  It may be a little more interesting this year with the changes made by the state to the calendar.

Math PD with Parkway, 9/18
On Wednesday, our math teachers and Parkway math teachers will be meeting in the library for PD with Kara Imm from 8:30-3:30pm.

SLOs DUE on 9/20
Please make sure to hit submit on your SLOs by Friday.

8th Grade Band @ Halftime Show, 9/20
Come out and enjoy the musical talent of our 8th graders at the halftime show on Friday.  WGHS will be playing Pattonville.

OUTS for the Week
-Aimee, Mike and Grace out on Thursday from 7:45am-1:15pm for DLT meeting at CO

Have a great week!
With gratitude,

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