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Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday Night Memo, 2/18/19

February 18, 2019

POPS Concert, 2/20
Come to the POPS concert on Wednesday and hear our talented kids play some familiar tunes.  It’s been fun listening in on classes and trying to name the tunes.  The concert begins at 7pm in Roberts Gym at the HS. 

Character Committee Mtg, 2/25
The Character Committee will be meeting on Monday, 2/25.  Please join the committee as they begin working on the timeline to roll out our character initiatives.  The meeting will begin at 3:30pm in the Library.

OUTS for the Week
·       Grace out on Wednesday for Steger Science Interviews
·       Grace out on Thursday for Math PD w/Math teachers
·       Aimee, Mike and Grace out on Friday from 9-10:30am for New Admin Mtg at CO
·       Sarah and Linda out on Friday

I hope everyone had a relaxing, three (and a half) day weekend!  I’m looking forward to getting back into the routine of school and a schedule.

Have a fantastic week!

With gratitude,

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